Some people have eyesight that redefines what the human eye is capable of.
As humans, we live in a colorful world, but differences in visual systems mean that not all animals see the world in the same way.
Unlike other aspects of an object such as size or mass, color is not an inherent property of an object but a result of the sensory system of the viewer. In other words, color is a construct of the mind.
Sight is one of the five senses that help us to get information about what is going on in the world around us. But do you know that our eyes don’t see the same? Maybe something that you see looks a little bit different from what someone else sees.
Ever heard about rods and cones from a science class or your eye doctor? They’re the components in your eyes that help you see light and colors. They’re located inside the retina. That’s a layer of thin tissue at the back of your eyeball near your optic nerve.
Rods and cones are crucial to sight. Rods are sensitive to light and are important for allowing you to see in the dark. Cones are responsible for allowing you to see colors.
In humans, three types of cone cell are responsible for the early stages of color vision. However some evidence exists that there are people who have four distinct color perception channels. This is known as Tetrachromacy.
How do other animals and insects see color?
Animals vary in the number and sensitivity of cones present, so visual processing can result in very different color sensations, even before differences in brain processing are taken into account.
Bees are also trichromatic, but they can see ultraviolet (UV) light as they have a UV-sensitive receptors, as well as blue and green-sensitive receptors. In contrast, most birds, fish, and some insects and reptiles are tetrachromatic, having four (but sometimes even five or more) types of cone cell.
Bees don't see red or pink colors, but they can see orange, green, yellow, purple, and blue. what we see as a red rose, bees see it as a dark blue rose.
Mantis shrimps have the most fantastic visual system in the animal kingdom. Mantis shrimp can see up to six types of polarization: horizontal, vertical, two diagonals, and two types of circular polarization, in which a light wave spirals clockwise or counterclockwise. (They are the only animals known to see circularly polarized light.)
Some birds, like eagles, has amazing eyes. The eagle eye is among the strongest in the animal kingdom, they can see five times farther than us.
Do you think is there any human that can see the same as eagles? or bees?
The answer is yes, VERONICA SEIDER from Germany possessed a visual acuity 20 times better than other people. She could identify people at a distance of more than a mile.
Concetta Antico is an artist with a superhuman power: she can see up to 100 million colors, a hundred times more than any human. If you see a red flower, she can see 100 colors in that flower. So she is a human with supervision.
Seeing Less Color!
Did you know that cows only see everything in the red-orange color scheme? Some animals like cats and dogs are not able to see all the colors, and actually, they see the world In fewer colors.
When the cones have all the various pigments -- called photopigments -- your eye sees all possible colors. If there’s a problem with the pigments, you won’t see colors the way you should. This is called color deficiency or color blindness.
If just one pigment is missing, you might only have trouble seeing certain colors.
If you don’t have any pigments in your cones, you won’t see color at all. This is known as achromatopsia.
The University of Edinburgh discovered that individuals with red-green colorblindness are better at seeing camouflage. Color can impede our ability to detect patterns and textures. Because these individuals lack certain color receptors, they have learned to become more effective at pattern recognition. Therefore, recognizing unnatural patterns amid natural ones would be easier. There are even reports that colorblind people excel as snipers in the military.
So which one is better seeing more colors or less?
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