“I can’t believe I lived my whole life missing out on stuff like this,” Logan Paul says.
It’s a compelling reaction, but what exactly is happening?
Does a world of grays and blacks really become Technicolor when a color-blind person puts on these glasses Luis Gómez Robledo, a professor in the Department of Optics at the University of Granada in Spain, put the glasses to the test last fall. “We received a lot of questions related to the colorblind glasses videos, where we can see people reacting to these filters, even in some TV programs where people started crying when they used the glasses, and we were quite skeptical,” he explained in an email. Robledo and his colleagues conducted a study with 48 color-blind volunteers and found that the glasses don’t cure color-blindness.
“None of the participants noticed any improvement to the colors of their surroundings when looking through the glasses,” the researchers wrote in a study, published in October 2018, except for one female patient.
On another hand, many people were so happy with their experience with the glasses and being able to see more colors.
The question is how much we can trust these types of emotional videos? Does everyone have the same experience? if not, why we don't see any video about those people that glasses didn't work for them?
Here is a video of Logan Paul in Dec 2019 that he explained how he faked it!!
What to Consider Before Purchasing Color Blindness Glasses
Cost is a concern for the average consumer. These glasses may be a luxury item for many individuals because they can cost several hundred dollars. People need to have realistic expectations of how much these glasses might or might not help them before they buy. Colorblindness-correcting glasses are generally not covered by insurance because colorblindness doesn’t affect a person’s health, so treatment isn’t medically necessary.
There are other devices designed to enhance contrast between colors, such as hunting glasses and contrast-increasing filters for photography that may benefit some people. But products other than colorblindness-correcting devices like EnChroma glasses weren’t developed specifically to address the experience of people with color blindness.
Dr. Schwab adds, "The [Enchroma] inventors understood visual physiology, color deficiency, and had a thorough understanding of the physics of optics and optical filters. With that combined knowledge they were able to select rare earth minerals that exactly matched the filter restrictions needed to enrich the glasses to address this color deficiency. It’s an elegant meld of curiosity and education to address a problem."
Are There Other Ways to Treat Colorblindness?
Researchers have developed a gene therapy that has successfully allowed red-green colorblind monkeys to see new colors. While promising, this therapy has not yet been tested in humans.
What is a good solution for colorblind people?
To find out about the right solution we need to understand the problem first.
Colorblind glasses is part of the solution for your color blindness, but without learning about colors & how to apply them, it's just a tool.
To find out about the right solution we need to understand the problem first. In the first place, colorblind people can not see the colors, so how we can solve it? Here is where colorblind glasses are very useful. with this tool you can see more colors, but can we assume it will solve all of your problems? Glasses don't work for everyone and even if they work you need to know how long you can keep them and use them. One year? two years or five years? I try to tell you that this is not a long-term solution. Can you carry it with you everywhere?

Another thing is when people talk with me about their experience with glasses I notice that they don't use them much after a few months. I don't know why
A good solution should bring some real changes to our lives, for example, they should be able to match colors or match their outfit this is at least what we can expect, right?
After two years of research, we are sure that the main problem of colorblind people is that they learn about colors with normal vision people, and as we know color blindness is neglected by educational systems all around the world. As a result, colorblind people will ignore colors in their lives and don't pay attention to them anymore, just like how our brain ignores the noise in front of our sight.
THE LATEST SOLUTION for colorblind people is an educational training system designed for colorblind people to teach them how to use and apply colors. they can carry this knowledge everywhere and they will feel more confident. They can use glasses to see colors and then by the knowledge they can bring colors to their life which is very important.
Research shows that colors play a very important part in our lives, they affect our lifestyle, confidence, appearance, social life, relationships, and job opportunities. Colors even have an impact on our overall well-being, which is shown in a famous Color therapy.

Did you notice how at times simple tasks take up so much time? Let's say you want to buy something and you choose a color, or how sometimes at your workplace you find yourself frustrated with color-related tasks. So living with color blindness does affect us way more than we thought. That’s why many colorblind people avoid mentioning their condition.
A good and reliable solution should cover the following needs:
It solves the problem completely (For colorblind people this option doesn't exist yet).
Considered as a long-term solution.
Works for everyone, and be available everywhere.
At a reasonable and affordable price
I believe that educational training can be a great solution to all the most common problems a colorblind person faces in life.
"Knowledge is the key"
> The FIRST Online Educational course for Colorblind People where you will learn all the latest tips and tricks to use colors in a short time & it's FREE!
First Standard Guide For Colorblind People From kindergarten to university, color training for art, science, and business applications is taught by people who can see color, leaving the colorblind guessing their way through school, work, and daily life.
Refine Your Life Struggling with colors doing some simple daily tasks or want to learn some basics? This is your chance to "refine" your life and get all of the best strategies for taking control of your color choices.
Color Training For Adults This course will be a great solution for people who are tired of guessing the colors of things, buying the wrong color shirt, wearing not matching socks, and keeping colorblindness a secret – It’s for those who want to uncover a new way to approach colors.
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Çikolata, dünya çapında en sevilen tatlardan biri olarak, binlerce yıldır insanların damaklarını şenlendirmektedir. Kakao çekirdeklerinden elde edilen çikolata, tarih boyunca farklı kültürler ve coğrafyalarda değişik şekillerde tüketilmiştir. İlk olarak MÖ 2000'lerde Orta Amerika'da, özellikle Maya ve Aztek uygarlıkları tarafından keşfedilen çikolata, başlangıçta genellikle içecek olarak tüketiliyordu. Günümüzde ise çikolata, şekerlemelerden pastalara, içeceklerden tatlılara kadar birçok farklı formda karşımıza çıkmaktadır.
Çikolatanın temel bileşeni, kakao, aslında oldukça besleyicidir. Kakao, zengin bir antioksidan kaynağı olup, içerdiği flavonoidler sayesinde kalp sağlığını destekleyebilir. Ayrıca çikolata, serotonin ve endorfin gibi “mutluluk hormonları” üretimine yardımcı olarak ruh halini iyileştirebilir. Özellikle bitter çikolata, bu faydaları daha yoğun bir şekilde sunar. Ancak, çikolatanın şeker ve yağ içeriği de göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, aşırı tüketiminin sağlık açısından olumsuz etkiler yaratabileceği unutulmamalıdır.
Çikolata, dünyada en çok sevilen ve tüketilen tatlılardan biridir. Tarihçesi, eski Meksika uygarlıklarına kadar uzanır. Aztekler ve Mayalar, çikolatayı kakao olarak kullanırlardı. Onlar, kakao çekirdeklerini öğüterek bir içecek yapar ve bu içeceği sadece elit sınıf ve dini ritüellerdeki insanlar için tüketirlerdi. Avrupa'ya çikolata, 16. yüzyılda, İspanyol kaşifler tarafından getirildi. Zamanla şeker eklenerek tatlandırıldı ve bugünkü formuna yaklaşıldı. Çikolata, hem tatlı hem de kültürel bir miras olarak dünyanın dört bir yanında yaygın hale geldi.
Çikolatanın üretim süreci, karmaşık ve uzun bir yolculuktur. İlk olarak kakao çekirdekleri, tropikal bölgelerdeki kakao ağaçlarından toplanır. Çekirdekler, fermente edilip kurutuldukten sonra kavrulurlar. Kavurma işleminden sonra çekirdeklerin kabukları soyulur ve kalan kakao çekirdeği toz haline getirilir. Çikolata üreticileri, bu kakaoyu şeker, süt ve vanilya gibi malzemelerle karıştırarak,…
Çikolata, binlerce yıllık geçmişi olan lezzetli bir yiyecektir. İlk olarak Orta Amerika'da yaşayan Olmekler, Mayalar ve Aztekler tarafından keşfedilmiştir. Bu uygarlıklar, kakao çekirdeklerini kutsal kabul etmiş ve içecek olarak tüketmişlerdir. Aztekler, kakaoyu baharatlarla karıştırarak "xocoatl" adını verdikleri acı bir içecek yapmışlardır. Avrupa'ya ise 16. yüzyılda İspanyol kaşifler tarafından getirilmiştir. Başlangıçta sadece aristokratlar tarafından tüketilen çikolata, zamanla şeker eklenerek tatlandırılmış ve herkesin erişebileceği bir lezzet haline gelmiştir.Çikolata, kakao çekirdeklerinin toplanması, fermente edilmesi, kurutulması ve öğütülmesiyle üretilir. Kakao ağaçları, tropikal bölgelerde yetişir ve meyveleri içinde kakao çekirdeklerini barındırır. Hasattan sonra çekirdekler fermente edilerek aroma kazanır. Daha sonra kurutulup kavrulan çekirdekler öğütülerek kakao likörü elde edilir. Bu likör, çeşitli işlemlerden geçirilerek sütlü, bitter veya beyaz çikolata gibi farklı türlerde ürünlere dönüştürülür. Çikolatanın lezzeti,…